Meet Team Z: Veronica White edition!
Veronica is our amazing territory manager up in Washington State.
In her words: “I treasure my family and friends and love to make them laugh, oftentimes, at my own expense. What the heck…it makes it funnier! I love to travel with my last trip being an amazing, laughter filled two weeks in Ireland this past October with my boyfriend, Dave. I also love to cook, enjoy all kinds of music live and otherwise, sports, doing creative things around my house and spending quality time with my family and friends. And, of course, lots of time with my miniature schnauzer sidekick, Wally.
I have been in the industry approximately 18 years and been lucky enough to experience it in varying capacities of project/account management, estimator, designer and manufacturer/distributor sales. I love what I do and have always been passionate about tile because it allows for so much creativity and individuality in a space. I get such a kick out of seeing the look of delight on a homeowner’s face when they have fallen in love with your design or the excitement of a salesperson when they see the unique products you’ve brought for them to sell to their clients. I have landed at Z Collection selling unique and creative tile products, working with wonderful team members and an amazing leader. What more could a girl ask for?”
We love Veronica’s laugh, positive spirit and are so grateful to have her on team Z!